About Sanity Warriors

Ana Mercurio-Pinto, Founder of Sanity Warriors

About Sanity Warriors

Your Magic Wand.

Hi, I’m Ana Mercurio-Pinto, Founder of Sanity Warriors

Growing up, I was the “responsible” one.

You know, the rule follower. The one who made sure all the i’s were dotted and the t’s were crossed. The student you always wanted on your group project because I diligently got the work done.

Then I grew up, launched my career, and got married.  I was still the career woman who got it all done. I was still the hostess with the mostest. Yet even as someone who prides herself in being organized and accomplished, it became difficult to hold it all together.

There wasn’t enough me to go around. Work calls, practices, parent-teacher conferences, travel arrangements for business trips. The list was never ending.

I wanted it all to be perfect…but not at the sake of my mental health.

That’s when I got the idea to start a lifestyle concierge business.

Why not take all of my:

  • Deep and wide network of resources
  • Years of managing professional projects
  • Love of organizing
  • Experience creating comprehensive plans with contingencies
  • Compassion for busy professionals and their families

And put it to good use for others?

Not everything is busy work…

It’s easy to get overwhelmed, and I don’t just mean about piles of laundry, home maintenance, and meals.

When you add in additional stressors such as:

  • illness or hospitalization
  • workplace uncertainty
  • challenges with anxiety or depression
  • caring for aging parents
  • school or career transitions
  • a crisis of any scale

Then decision making can become exhausting – and even the simplest of tasks can seem difficult to delegate.

I wished I had a fairy godmother to wave her magic wand to help me get all of the work done. Now I’ve decided to be the magic wand. I’ve taken my many years of professional experience and everything I learned in business school and healthcare management to be your secret weapon to create calm and space in your joyous, chaotic life.

When I’m not busy solving problems, you’ll find me on the soccer field with my daughter, walking the dogs, or volunteering at our local food pantry.

You deserve some time to enjoy life.

Self-care isn’t a luxury – it’s an absolute necessity sometimes.  Releasing yourself from the mental load of keeping everything running smoothly can free you up for all the joys of life…vacation, family time, recreation, or just quiet time.

So book your consultation call for any of our Lifestyle Management Services in the Greater Boston, Massachusetts area. You’d be surprised at what we can help you with. Once you’ve become a client, you can call us for anything…giving you more time to be present to enjoy your life and everything you’ve worked for.

Life Management Services

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